Congratulations on receiving a KIDDO Active Schools NT scholarship!

Your school and all your staff and students will benefit from a 2-year KIDDO membership, workshops, resources, equipment, and support over the value of $5000.

Follow these simple steps to start using KIDDO and gaining the benefits of the scholarship program:

1. Register for your KIDDO membership

Register on the KIDDO website to get your membership started and access the incredible online platform: 

  1. Go to
  2. Select your membership type as 'school', enter the number of students at your school that are in Transition - Year 2 and click 'get started'.
  3. Then, create your account
  4. When you are in the Payment Details section, select 'Pay by Invoice' (please see note below)
  5. Complete your school details
  6. Confirm your purchase and you are good to go. Within the next 12 hours a member of the KIDDO team will activate your membership and you can get started!

Note: You will receive an email confirming your purchase by invoice, however this is not a tax invoice and no payment needs to be made as this membership is part of your KIDDO Active Schools NT scholarship.

Any problems, please just reach out to and we can help you join up.


2. Set up your Classrooms 

  • Login to the KIDDO website
  • Click on the  ⚙ ‘cog’ icon to access the Management menu
  • Click on ‘Classrooms’
  • Click on 'Add Classroom'
  • Allocate each class a title and a year group
    • For split classes, you can choose which year group you allocate your class to. You may want to consider:
      • The number of students in each year group in the class
      • The developmental levels of the students in the class
  • Click 'Save'
  • Repeat for all classes you would like to add.

Watch this how-to video if needing more help 

Note: just start with your Transition to Year 2 classrooms initially as that is what KIDDO is currently designed for. In early 2025, lessons and programs for Year 3-6 will be added.


3. Add your staff

  • In the Management menu (access via the ⚙ ‘cog’ icon) click on ‘Staff’ ·
  • Add any new staff by clicking 'Add Staff Member'
  • You can choose to allocate new staff members as 'Managers' or 'Educators'. When you are allocating their role consider the following:
    • Educators will only have access to the classrooms and students for the classroom you have allocated them
    • Managers have access to all the classrooms and can add new rooms, view professional development completions, pay membership, add staff members, etc...
  • Allocate each new staff member to their classroom and click 'Save'

Watch this video if needing more help

Note: All staff that you add will receive an email with a link to log in and set up their password. If they don't receive this email, please check spam folders, ensure you entered the correct email address, and if still not received, please contact 


4. Explore & have a go at the variety of activities.

Get going and explore and play with the simple, fun and engaging physical development activities. Explore all of KIDDO's activities here 


5. Register for our Getting Started with KIDDO webinar with your staff. 

Join all our successful NT scholarship schools for a 45 minute introductory webinar on Thursday 29th August from 3:30pm-4:15pm. Register your staff now for the Getting Started with KIDDO webinar

Encourage as many of your staff as possible to attend our introductory webinar with all schools. This will be your chance to learn all about KIDDO and how to maximise the benefits for your school.

We will also be hosting a 45 minute webinar on Thursday 5th September from 3:30pm-4:15pm on a quick guide on how to set-up and run your Fundamental Movement Skill webinars using KIDDO. Register now for the FMS Assessment webinar


6. Complete the Professional Development

Encourage as many staff as possible to complete KIDDO's interactive Certificate of Physical Literacy. This course takes 2-3 hours to complete, and you can do it in sections, saving your progress as you go. Follow the instructions below to access the professional development:

  • When you are logged in to the KIDDO website, go to the dashboard and click on ‘Professional Development’ in the left side menu. As the manager you will be able to see which staff have completed it.  
  • As part of your KIDDO scholarship you have committed to a minimum of 2 staff completing the professional development.


Once you have completed the six steps your school will be sent their KIDDO equipment starter kit valued at $500 and be ready to book a KIDDO workshop/demonstration, or one-on-one meeting with our KIDDO NT Program Manager. Need more help? Get in touch with Sarah Muller our KIDDO NT Program Manager on 0408 297 034 or email 


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