Put simply, it is the skills, motivation, confidence and knowledge to be active.

Why is Physical Literacy so important?

Children are spending more time playing indoors and on screens than outdoors and in the park. As a result, many are failing to develop the basic building blocks of movement such as running, throwing, kicking, catching, jumping and balancing.

The challenge is not only to help children develop these fundamental movement skills but to also want to be physically active – understanding why regular physical activity is so important to their futures.

Educator encouraging child to participate
Physically literate kids:
  • Have a lot more fun being active
  • Have better social skills
  • Are happier and more confident
  • Have improved attention and concentration levels
Physical literacy explained


Educator selecting a child for an activity
Want to learn more about Physical Literacy?

KIDDO’s world-leading Certificate of Physical Literacy is available to all KIDDO Primary School and Early Learning Service members. It is an online course that is specifically tailored to each educational setting.

Professional development for primary school teachers >
Professional development for early childhood educators >