How do I add children?
There are two ways to do this:
- Manually add individual children one at a time
In the Children tab of the dashboard click on ‘create child’. Add the children’s details and if you would like to invite the parents/guardians of the children to access the parent hub, make sure you add the email for at least one parent/guardian as well. We highly recommend you do this to share the amazing resources available for parents and engage them in their child’s learning and development at this key age. See Parent Hub FAQs
- Using the child importer- this is the quickest and easiest way
Note: you only need to import a child ONCE. After this, you just move them to their new room when they transition to a new room
- In the Childrens tab of the dashboard click on ‘import children’
- Click on the blue box ’Example Template’. A spreadsheet will then be available to download and open. Note: you can only import children into one class at a time
- Entering your children’s data into the import template:
- The headings of the spreadsheet must remain in row 1
- You will need to widen some of the columns (particularly date of birth, so that it displays numbers instead of ###) – you can do this by dragging the border of the column header right or left.
- Delete the example children (but not the heading row) from the template e.g. Draco Malfoy
- Enter the children’s data from the classroom you are importing into in the appropriate columns in the exact same format as in the example data
- To speed up this process you should be able to export room lists in excel format from your child management software – this will save you a lot of time!
- *IMPORTANT* The only required criteria is first name, last name, date of birth, and gender* Date of birth must be entered in this format: d/mm/yyyy e.g. 2/07/2015
- Save the completed import template file on your computer as a CSV file – take note of where you have saved it
- In the importer click on ‘choose file’ and find the csv file on your computer
- Click on ‘submit’
- You should then see the children you imported in your children list. If it didn’t work, please read through the instructions above and double check your formatting is correct. Please get in touch with the KIDDO team, we are happy to help you.
The minimum amount of information needed for each child is:
- first name
- last name
- gender
- date of birth
Note: you should be able to copy these over from existing lists from your management software (most of these systems can export class lists to excel) and modify them if needed to fit the template provided.
How do I move children to a different room?
In the CHILDRENS tab of the dashboard, simply select the box on the left side of the children you would like to move. Once you select a box, an option will pop up the top ‘MOVE’. Click on ‘MOVE’ and then select which room you would like to move the children to.
What does the invite parents mean?
This is how you invite parents to access their own child’s unique KIDDO parent hub. This exciting new feature allows parents to view what skills their child is exploring at your service, view their milestone development, find activities to do at home and be linked to hundreds of useful KIDDO resources including skill tips, videos and information.
Simply click on invite parents, add the parent email address and they will receive an email invite to access their child’s KIDDO parent hub. You might like to let them know to look out for it as sometimes these emails end up in a junk/spam folder.