Are you interested in learning how to:

  1. Add students individually
  2. Add multiple students at once using the student importer
  3. Move students to new classrooms
  4. What do you do with a student who has left the school?
  5. Archive old classrooms
  6. Reactivate archived classrooms
  7. Reactivate archived students

Prefer to watch a step-by-step guide on adding and managing students? Watch our 'how to' video.

Important: To add students, you (or a KIDDO Manager at your school) will need to have already set up a classroom to add them to. 


1. Adding students individually

  • Click on the 'Dashboard' button in the top right-hand side of the page (or the 'Dashboard' button next to your class if you teach multiple classes) 
  • Click on the subheading ‘Students' (it’s between 'Planner' and 'Insights')
  • Click on ‘Create student’. 
  • Add the student’s details. If you would like to invite the parents/guardians of the student to access the parent hub, make sure you add the email for at least one parent/guardian. We highly recommend you do this to share the amazing resources available for parents and engage them in their child’s learning and development at this key age. See Parent Hub FAQs


2. Adding multiple students at once using the student importer

This is the quickest and easiest way to add students.
Note: You only need to import a student ONCE. After this, you just move them to their new classroom each year at the start of each school year
  • Click on the 'Dashboard' button in the top right-hand side of the page (or the 'Dashboard' button next to your class if you teach multiple classes) 
  • Click on the subheading ‘Students' (it’s between 'Planner' and 'Insights')
  • Click on ‘Import students’
  • Click on the blue box ’Example template’.  A spreadsheet will then be available to download and open. Note: You can only import students into one class at a time
  • Please enter your student data into the template, following the instructions outlined below. To speed up this process you should be able to export class lists in Excel format from your school’s student management software – this will save you a lot of time:
    • The headings of the spreadsheet must remain in row 1
    • Widen some of the columns (particularly date of birth), so that it displays numbers instead of ### – you can do this by dragging the column border to the right or left.
    • Delete the example students (but not the heading row) from the template e.g. Draco Malfoy
    • Enter the students’ data from the classroom you are importing into the appropriate columns in the same format as in the example data
    •  *IMPORTANT* The only required criteria are first name, last name, date of birth, and gender* Date of birth must be entered in this format: d/mm/yyyy e.g. 2/07/2015. Please check and ensure there is NO SPACE after the date of birth. It will not upload with a space after.
    • Save the completed import template file on your computer as a CSV file – take note of where you have saved it
    • In the importer, click ‘Choose file’ and find the CSV file on your computer, then click 'Submit'.
    • You should then see the students you imported in your students list. If it didn’t work, please double-check your formatting is correct. If you still encounter problems or need some help, please feel free to get in touch with the KIDDO team. We're happy to help.


3. Moving students to new classrooms

First, set up your classrooms for the new school year (See Adding Classrooms) and allocate staff to each classroom (See Adding Staff) in the management menu.

Note: To save time in larger schools, you can reimport your class lists each school year using the student importer. However, if the student details on the spreadsheet you import are different in any way from when you first imported them e.g. spelling of name or formatting of their date of birth, they will be imported as a new student and you will lose the ability to track progress. After re-importing and before you conduct any new assessment, please check they still have their existing assessments attached to them. OUR RECOMMENDATION IS TO MOVE STUDENTS USING THE PROCESS DETAILED BELOW, RATHER THAN REIMPORT. IF YOU CHOOSE TO REIMPORT - YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK, BUT PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OUTLINED BELOW TO ENSURE THERE ARE MINIMAL CHANCE OF ERRORS.

To move students to new classrooms follow the steps below:

  • Click on 'Dashboard '. You should be able to see all your classes and there is a 'Dashboard' button for each class. 
  • Choose a class and click 'Dashboard'
  • Go to the 'Students' tab
  • Select the checkbox on the left side of the name of all the students moving into a particular classroom e.g., if there are 14 students from Year 1 Red moving into Year 2 Blue, click on all those students' names. 
  • Once you have selected a checkbox next to a student's name, the option 'Move' will appear on the right side of the screen. Click 'Move'
  • Select the classroom they are moving into (In this case Year 2 Blue), and then click 'Move'
  • Repeat the process for all students

Time-saving tip: If you click on the box at the top of the column above all the individual students that will select all students and allow you to move all of them at once (this is only helpful if they are all going to the same class for the new school year).

If you choose to re-import students each year, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Click on 'Dashboard '. You should be able to see all your classes and there is a 'Dashboard' button for each class. 
  2. Choose a class (E.g. Year 1 Blue) and click 'Dashboard'
  3. Go to the 'Students' tab
  4. Click on the 'Import/Export' button
  5. Click the blue 'Export students' button. The class list will then be downloaded
  6. Click the 'Example CSV' button. An example spreadsheet will be downloaded
  7. Open your downloaded class list and copy and paste the student data for the students you want to move into the new classroom. E.g. Copy and paste all the Year 1 Blue students who are moving into Year 2 Red
  8. Repeat steps 2 - 5 and copy and paste the student data until you have all the students who will be in Year 2 Red
  9. Save the completed import template file on your computer as a CSV file – take note of where you have saved it
  10. In the importer, click ‘Choose file’ and find the CSV file on your computer, then click 'Submit'.
  11. You should then see the students have been moved into their new classroom. If it didn’t work, please double-check your formatting is correct. If you still encounter problems or need some help, please feel free to get in touch with the KIDDO team. We're happy to help.


4. What do you do with a student who has left the school?

There are two options:

  • If the student left the school at the end of the school year when you move students into their new classroom for the following year - you simply don't move them into a new classroom. E.g. Sally was in Year 1 Blue in 2023 but did not return to the school in 2024. When you move all of Sally's Year 1 Blue classmates into their 2024 classrooms, you simply leave Sally in Year 1 Blue.
  • If the student leaves the school mid-year, the easiest option is to create a new classroom called 'Students who have left' or 'Archived Students' (whatever works for you). Move any students who have left the school into this classroom. 

**Please note - you are unable to delete students once they have been created (even if they don't have any assessment data attached to them), so the only way to remove them is to archive them.


5. Archiving old classrooms

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ section click onClassrooms
  • Click on the three dots next to a classroom from a previous year
  • Click 'Edit'
  • Uncheck the box marked 'Active' and then 'Save' You will not lose any of this data (and you can go back at any point to export data or make the classroom active again). The classroom just becomes hidden
  • Repeat for all classes from previous years


6. Reactivating archived classrooms

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ section click onClassrooms
  • In the drop-down box, select 'Archived' and then 'Apply'. This will display all of your archived classrooms.
  • Click on the three dots next to the archived classroom that you want to reactivate
  • Click 'Edit'
  • Check the box marked 'Active' and then 'Save'


7. Reactivating archived students

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ section click onClassrooms
  • Click on the three dots next to a classroom from a previous year that contains the student you want to reactivate
  • Click 'Edit'
  • Check the box marked 'Active' and then 'Save'
  • In the black box on the left-hand side of the screen, click 'Students'
  • Type the student's First and/or last name and click 'Apply'
  • Select the check box next to their name, and then select 'Change classroom'
  • Select the classroom you would like to move them to and click 'Move'
  • You can then go back and re-archive the classroom by selecting 'Classrooms', clicking on the 3 dots and selecting 'Edit' and then uncheck the box marked 'Active', and then clicking 'Save'
Watch: Adding and managing students

View the step-by-step video guide.