Assess Fundamental Movement Skills with KIDDO

See how simple it can be to assess FMS using KIDDO's online platform. Watch the videos below for a step-by-step guide and follow the links to our FAQs if you get stuck.

If you can't find the answers to your questions or need some support tailored to your teaching environment, please contact us. We're here to help.

Assessment overview

Check out this overview of the assessment platform and our top tips for running assessment sessions. 

Running FMS Assessments and utilising reporting

If you're a KIDDO member, interested in learning more about our assessment tool, this is a must-watch. It's an in-depth session where you'll learn how to successfully run FMS assessments. We cover: 

  • An overview of assessment challenges 
  • A live demo of how to input assessment results  
  • Best practices for running FMS assessments in schools 
  • Information on sharing reports and engaging parents 
  • How to use assessment results to assist with grading and reporting 

Before watching the video we'd recommend you:

FMS assessment
Assessment and reporting FAQ's