How do I create a teaching and learning experience?

Click on the Dashboard button in the top right-hand corner of the page and find the subheading ‘Experiences’. Click the ‘Create Experience’ button and enjoy the ease of planning!

Your Teaching and Learning Experience must have a Title and Description, but other than that, it is completely customisable to what suits you! Choose your focus skills and the number of activites.

How do I make my created experiences appear on the dashboard?

The only way for your created experiences to appear on the Dashboard is to place them in a program. You can create a program by clicking the ‘Create Program’ button within the subheading ‘Programs’. Once you have created your program, it will appear on the ‘Programs’ page. Drag and drop the program you would like to use into the Program Schedule on the dates you would like it to be used. Your created experiences will then appear on the Dashboard on the dates you have selected for the program.

Can I print out my teaching and learning experience?

Yes. Click on the Dashboard button in the top right-hand corner of the page, and find the subheading ‘Experiences’.

All the Teaching and Learning Experiences you have created should be visible. You can print them out by clicking on the blue printer icon next to each lesson. This will download your lesson plan as a PDF, ready for you to print. You can print out all the KIDDO experiences too!

Can I edit an experience?

You can’t edit the KIDDO teaching and learning experiences that we have prepared for you, however, you can edit any of the custom experiences you have created yourself.

You can edit them by clicking on the three dots on the right-hand side of each Experience in the Experiences tab.