We offer a range of hands-on professional development opportunities for your educators and carers. They are designed to build the skills and confidence to deliver programs that encourage physical literacy at your service.

Jumping on hula hoops
In-service training

KIDDO can run incursions at your service for educators and children. They include:

  • 4 weeks of KIDDO (4 x 45 min sessions)
  • Up to 30 children from your Kindy room and unlimited educators
  • A deep dive into two different skills
  • Instructors with expertise in the development of fundamental movement skills
  • A session in which parents are invited to participate in

The cost is just $1,275 and includes 6 contact hours with a team of 2 KIDDO staff.

Contact us for more information

Beans in action
Educator training

This is for educators who would like to build their capacity to help children aged 3-8 years to develop the fundamental movement skills, confidence and motivation to be physically active.

It's a 4-week course tailored specifically for the roles and setting of your service.

  • Face-to-face 1.5 hour workhsop for all Educators.
  • Train the trainer program – Educators shadow expert instructors during two 30 minute KIDDO sessions and gain skills and confidence to deliver the KIDDO program.
  • One on one one hour session with your education leader to help them set-up their program
  • A refresher session 3 month after the course concludes - KIDDO expert will come to your centre, meet with your education leaders and observe educators over a one hour period and offer advice for ongoing implementation.

The cost is just $950 and includes 4.5 contact hours with 1 KIDDO expert.

Contact us for more information

Early learning educator teaching a child balancing
Movement assessment program

This program features a visit from an expert KIDDO instructor to your centre to perform individual movement assessments for all of the children at your service.

  • For children aged 3+ years
  • Each child/parent receives an individual physical assessment report with their assessment scores, their percentile ranking in relation to the other children across Australia that we have tested and activities they can do at home to continue developing their Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS).

The cost is just $450 for up to 30 children and includes 2 contact hours with a team of 3 KIDDO staff.

Contact us for more information