
No equipment, indoors or outdoors and lots of fun and movement going from String Beans to Jelly Beans!

Set up

Children spread out with enough room to move freely.

How to play
Step 1
  • Educator explains that we are going to be all different types of beans! Firstly have a go at everyone being a String bean and stretching up tall and onto their tip toes.
Step 2
  • On educator’s instruction and demonstration, children perform the nominated bean action:
    • Runner bean – run fast around the area
    • Jelly bean – move with wobbly movement
    • Frozen bean – stop moving and freeze
    • Full of beans – crazy running on the spot
    • Broad bean – stretch arms and legs out wide
    • Snake bean - slither along the ground
    • Chilli bean – shiver and shake
    • String bean – walk on tip toes with arms stretched up in the air
    • Jumping bean – jump on spot
    • Balance bean – balance on 1 leg
    • Mixed beans - any bean you like! 
Make it easier
  • Start with simple bean movements, such as runner beans or frozen beans
Make it harder
  • Move between each type of bean faster and faster
Activity information
Age: 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-5 years
Participants: 1 +
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before playing Beans, practice balancing on one leg with arms out like an aeroplane and eyes looking forward.

Remember the balance teaching cues:

  1. Head up
  2. Aeroplane arms
  3. Eyes forward looking at something ahead of them e.g. tree
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Have children choose what bean to be
  • Dance to a song and when the music stops, educator calls out a bean