Kicking Stations

kids kicking balls

A station-based activity to explore all different kinds of soccer kicking! Modify to suit your group's ability, size, and available equipment. 

Set up

Using any available equipment, set out different simple kicking stations, see ideas for activities in the "How to Play" section.  You will likely need any kind of targets, markers to show where to stand, balls (they don't have to be soccer balls), soccer goals, witches hats, and/or hoops.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Some KIDDO examples of good kicking station activities include;
    • Soccer Bowling: children kick at buckets or cones and try to knock them over
    • Kicking for goal: set up a couple of chairs or blocks and try and kick balls between them. The educator can be the goalie for extra fun
    • Balloon kicks: try and keep a balloon in the air with only your feet (indoor station)
    • Soccer jumps: try jumping over the ball, tapping feet on top of the ball one at a time (slow and fast), jumping with ball between legs
    • Clean up the rubbish: set out lots of small plastic balls in an area and then see if you can kick them all into the sandpit.
    • Dribbling obstacle course: set out some cones to dribble the ball around and return back to the hoop
Step 2:
  • Before beginning, take the children around the station activities, demonstrating how to do the activity.
Step 3:
  • After you have demonstrated let children explore the stations they are interested in. If you have multiple educators, spread yourself around the different stations, role modelling each of the activities and asking questions such as "how do you kick further?", "what part of your foot do you kick with?" and "where do you look when you kick?"
  • Encourage children to try different stations.
  • Reset the stations as needed
Make it easier
  • Have less stations with an educator at each station to assist
  • Use soft, large balls such as the dimpled rubber balls
Make it harder
  • Make kicking distances longer/targets smaller
  • Use proper soccer balls
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years
Participants: 1 +
Equipment: Balls, Targets (optional), Cones (optional), Chalk (optional), Hoops
Duration: 15 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before playing, have a go at kicking without a ball. Try stepping, swinging the leg and kicking. Use the teaching cues to guide you;

  1. Eyes on the ball
  2. Kicking foot like a penguin (twist it outwards)
  3. Step, swing and kick
Physical literacy tips
  • Station activities are a great way to allow children to explore independent play, just ensure you demonstrate each activity before beginning so children know what they need to do
  • Let children choose the stations they want to have a go at