Don’t worry, there are just a few simple steps to get your early learning service started and then it will all become very easy!

If you are the KIDDO Manager for your service, when you click on ‘Dashboard’ you will see a ‘cog’ icon in the black bar at the top. This allows you to set- up rooms, add and edit staff and import children. Follow the steps below to ensure you get set-up correctly.

If you are not the KIDDO Manager for your service when you click on ‘Dashboard’ you won’t see a ‘cog’ icon in the black bar at the top. You will need to ask your KIDDO Manager to allocate you to your rooms so you can get started using the KIDDO Dashboard. Your KIDDO Manager can also promote additional staff to Manager as well, this is your service’s decision on who has which roles.

In the meantime, if you click on ‘Back to KIDDO website’ up the top left you can explore all our new skills and activities specifically tailored just for Early Learning Services.

For Managers:

In the ‘cog’: section click on ‘rooms’

1. Add your rooms

  • Click on the ‘Add Room’ button in the top blue bar
  • Give the room a name and select the age group

Note: if the age ranges are not relevant for your service e.g., you are a family day care educator just select the average age of the children

For Family Day Care Educators & Services - If you have multiple Family Day Care educators, it is best to set each one up as a room, so that they have access to their own dashboard and programming tools

If you just want to have a play initially, you can add an example room to explore with and then add all your staff to that room.

In the ‘cog’: section click on ‘staff’

2. Check your staff

  • Add staff
  • Remove staff
  • Allocate correct rooms to all staff – click the three dots next to the staff members name and select ‘edit’ you can then select rooms and what role you would like them to have
  • Allocate the “Manager’ role to staff who you want access to add staff, view professional development completions, pay membership etc. Click the three dots next to the staff member's name and select ‘edit’ you can then select what role you would like them to have