Alphabet Hop

This activity is great for developing hopping, as well as revising your alphabet! All you need is a clear pavement and a piece of chalk.
Set up
On a large pavement draw twenty-six circles (the size of dinner plates) and write one letter of the alphabet in each.
Note: You may choose to use only some letters, you do not need to include all at once!
How to play
Step 1
- Begin by slowly calling out letters for your child to hop to
Step 2
- Once they’ve got the hang of the hopping, speed up your calls a little bit more, or get them to spell a word
Make it easier
- Make the letter circles closer together
- Call out letters near to each other
Make it harder
- Call out a word to spell
- Call the letters out fast
- Make the letter circles further apart
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Chalk
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
Before beginning this activity, practice the skill of hopping, using the following cues:
- Quiet landings (bend ankles, knees and hips)
- Bend your leg to push off
- Head up and eyes forward (look towards where you are hopping)
- Swing & spring
Physical literacy tips
- Let your child help draw out the circles