Bullseye (Kicking)

boy kicking soccer ball

Bullseye! Go for glory as you develop kicking accuracy in this simple, minimal equipment game. Good for all abilities.

Set up

Create a number of circles within each other on a flat grassy surface (you could use different sized blankets on top of one another) - one small one, surrounded by a larger one, and a larger one, and so on (like an archery target). Allocate a number for each circle - for example, the smallest could be 10 points, followed by 5, 3, 2, 1, as each blanket gets larger.  A suitable distance away, place a marker. This is where the children stand. Give each child a soccer ball (or use one ball and take turns playing). 

How to play
Step 1:
  • One at a time, children take a turn at carefully kicking their soccer ball onto the playing board (the blankets). 
Step 2:
  • Check where the ball ends up, that is your score!
  • Children add up the number of points they get with each round
Step 3:
  • Continue playing until someone reaches a certain score, or for a set amount of time to see who can get the highest score!
  • Play again, mixing up teams/groups, or introducing new rules where necessary
Make it easier
  • Make the rings larger
  • Start the children closer
Make it harder
  • Start from further away
  • Try using your non-dominant foot
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 1 +
Equipment: Blanket, Soccer balls
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

To establish accurate kicking, emphasise gentle kicking, and use the following teaching cues;

  1. Eyes on the ball
  2. Kicking foot like a penguin (twist it outwards)
  3. Step, swing and kick
Physical literacy tips
  • To reduce the pressure of points, use different indicators - such as a shape (you landed on the sail boat blanket!), or a colour (collect the rainbow!)
  • Children can play individually, or as a team (if multiple children)