Chalk Line Jumps

How far can you jump challenge

This activity is super simple to set up and is a great way to practice those jumping skills. 

Set up

Draw a series of lines on the pavement at varying distances from each other (30cm to 1 metre). Have lines orientated in all different directions. Can also be played inside with tape instead of chalk.

How to play
Step 1
  • Have your child choose a line to start from 
Step 2
  • You can call out where your child must jump to next, or have them choose 
  • For example: “Jump towards me/Jump towards the sandpit/Jump to your left
Step 3
  • Give enough time to jump to a line in the given direction, then call out a new command
  • You can gradually get faster and faster, and finish the activity when your child can no longer keep up, or gets confused (whilst giggling, of course!) 
Make it easier
  • Make the distances between lines shorter
Make it harder
  • Call out instructions faster and faster to challenge your child
  • Increase the distances between lines
Activity information
Age: 2-3 years, 3-5 years
Participants: 1 +
Equipment: Chalk (optional), Tape (optional)
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before beginning the activity, teach your child how to jump using the cues:

1. Land like you are riding a motorbike – arms forward, ankles, knees and hips bent, feet apart

2. Start with your arms stretched behind you like a superhero

3. Swing & Spring

4. Reach for a star and bring it down again (for vertical jumps)

Physical literacy tips
  • Make the last few, fast commands silly commands - such as “Jump to the moon or jump towards the clouds”
  • Jump to music!