Chalk Targets

This fun activity is super simple to set up and can be played with any toys around the home.
Set up
Using different coloured chalk, draw a bullseye target (concentric rings) on the driveway or pavement. Have a pile of small toys, beanbags, rolled up socks, rocks, sticks etc. to throw at the target nearby.
How to play
Step 1
- Before beginning, make sure you demonstrate the correct throwing technique
Step 2
- Starting from 2-5 metres away from the target, see if your child can throw their object at the bullseye
- You can keep a tally of points, if you wish, or keep the activity non-competitive and fun
Step 3
- If your child is easily making the distance and aim, make it harder by giving them a smaller, lighter object to throw, or make them throw from further back
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Chalk, Balls
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
Before beginning this activity, practice overarm throwing using these cues:
- Ready: Stand like a surfer (side-on)
- Aim: Make a muscle man (throwing arm bent up above shoulder),
- Point non-throwing arm at target
- Fire: Step
Physical literacy tips
- Let everyone have a go at colouring the target!