Colour Frenzy

A home version of the classic KIDDO game, Builders and Bulldozers! Use coloured paper to play this fun and continuous running game. Requires 2+ children (or one adult as a second player).
Set up
Before playing, take some time to decorate both sides of a piece of paper with a colour (such as orange and green). Divide players into either the orange or green team. Spread these papers out over a large area, with half with each colour facing up.
How to play
Step 1:
- When you say 'GO', all children run around flipping the pieces of paper to match their team's colour
- Children must keep moving around and cannot just keep flipping the same paper
Step 2:
- After the end of the allocated time (1-3 minutes), the educator calls 'FREEZE' and counts up how many cones are facing the orange side, and the green side
- The winning team is the team with the most papers showing their team colour
Step 3:
- Swap teams, and play again!
Make it easier
- Have all children on one team and see how quickly they can flip all the papers over
- Spread the papers out in a smaller space
Make it harder
- Use different forms of locomotion to move between papers e.g., jump, gallop, skip, hop
- Spread papers out in a larger space
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
Participants: 2
Equipment: Paper
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
Remind children to keep their heads and eyes up to avoid any collisions.
Physical literacy tips
- Play inside or outside, depending on the weather and space available
- If playing in a smaller space inside, encourage children to use other locomotor skills, such as bear walking or crab walking