Hand to Hand Ball

This is a simple mimicking activity that develops children’s object control skills.
Set up
Hold a small, soft ball, and give baby a matching/ similar ball.
How to play
Step 1
- Start by demonstraing passing the ball from one hand to the other
Step 2
- Encourage your baby to do the same
- If baby doesn’t mimic straight away, you can move the ball from one of baby’s hand to the other until they do it themselves
Make it easier
- Use medium sized, soft balls
Make it harder
- Use smaller, harder to grasp balls
- For older children, try little throws from one hand to the other
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months, 1-2 years
Equipment: Balls
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
- Let baby pick a ball from a pile you present them