Happy Hops

Children hopping around

This is a really simple way of practicing hopping whilst at home, and a fun challenge for your child to try and achieve!

Set up

Designate a clear space where your child can hop freely.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Have your child place their happy sack on the ground
  • Ask them to try and hop over it with one foot, and then with the other
Step 2:
  • Once they get the hang of hopping over the obstacle, ask your child to make a hopping pattern over the sack
  • Now you have a go and try and complete the challenge your child just did
Step 3:
  • You can introduce another happy sack to make the hops bigger
Make it easier
  • Regress into jumping and slowly progress to hopping
  • Allow a one foot takeoff, and two foot landing
Make it harder
  • Start your hop from further away
  • Find taller objects/toys to hop over
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Beanbags, Soft toys (optional)
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before beginning the activity, demonstrate the proper hopping technique for your child using the following cues:

  1. Quiet landings (bend ankles, knees and hips)
  2. Bend your leg to push off
  3. Head up and eyes forward (look towards where you are hopping)
  4. Swing & spring


Physical literacy tips
  • Let your child choose a toy to start with