Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes, Cone

A great, minimal equipment brain break to test children's reaction times!
Set up
Children spread out in the playing space in partners (if playing with one child, an adult joins in). Give each partnership one 'cone' (a toy, small ball, any small object). Partners stand a suitable distance apart with the cone on the ground between them.
How to play
Step 1:
- Children stand still with their hands behind their backs
- You call out a combination of "Head", "Shoulders", "Knees" and "Toes"
Step 2:
- Children must touch the body part that you call out
- When you call out "Cone!", race to grab the cone before your partner
Step 3:
- Continue playing!
Note: You can also include a movement area where you skip/hop/jump etc around until "cone" is called
Make it easier
- Place the cone on a small table and stand children on either side
- Children are sitting down
Make it harder
- Incorporate other body parts!
- Children stand further away from the cone, and therefore must run to it
- Try incorporating locomotor skills, such as running on the spot, or high knees while also calling out the body parts
- Try standing on one leg until "cone" is called
Activity information
Age: Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 2
Equipment: Cones (optional)
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
- Everyone has their own cone, see who is faster at picking their up and placing it on their head (avoids snatching)