Kicking Swings

Children kicking at soccer goals

This activity is a great way to introduce babies and toddlers to kicking skills.

Set up

All you need for this activity is a soccer ball and a clear playing space.

How to play
Step 1
  • Carrying your child beneath their arms, lift them up and swing their legs gently to the ball
Step 2
  • Follow the ball, encouraging them to track it with their eyes, or even their body
Step 3
  • If your child doesn’t try and kick the ball themselves once you reach it the second time, lift them up and swing their legs towards the ball again
Make it harder
  • As children progress, you can hold their hands as they walk themselves towards the ball
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months, 1-2 years
Equipment: Soccer balls
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
  • Hold your child’s hands to avoid them grabbing the ball, focusing on their feet instead