Lucky Dip

Boy climbing climbing frame

Use our 'At-Home Activity Sheets' to create your own Lucky Dip of activities to stay entertained for hours! Make flashcards/labels of any and all KIDDO no equipment games and store these in a box for a lucky dip pick!

Set up

Go through the KIDDO activities and find as many games that are appropriate for your home. We have also prepared some resources that are ready to go! Some top picks are Beans, Wicked Witch, or Netflix (there's a KIDDO version - we promise!). Print/write out the names of these games, and place them in a box or a bag.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Take a Lucky Dip, and then play this game! This is a great way to move between moments in your day, or to burn some energy!
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 1 +
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
  • Use the Lucky Dip box as an incentive for good behaviour
  • Choose games that are suitable for your environment and children