A fun, easily modified striking game to play at home! Use anything available to you to create your very own mini-golf course.
Set up
Invent a golf club (can be a cardboard tube, stick, plastic cricket bat, etc). Depending on your environment, choose a suitable a golf ball (can be rolled up socks, scrunched up paper, a tennis ball etc). Set up your mini golf course inside or outside (use obstacles such as toys, chairs, blocks, etc). Prop up a bowl or place a pillow as your golf hole.
How to play
Step 1:
- Place your golf ball at the start of your course, and hit!
Step 2:
- Wait until the ball stops rolling, them hit it again, aiming to land in the bowl/touch the pillow etc
Step 3:
- See how many hits it takes you, or how fast you can get the ball in the hole (must wait for it to finish rolling!)
- Play again, and design a new golf course
Make it easier
- Use a wider surface for your golf club, such as the front of a cereal box cut out and taped to a paper towel roll
- Make the course more straight forward/less obstacles
Make it harder
- Add more obstacles - if you touch, you start the course again!
- Make your golf club skinner
- Introduce 'pars' for a golf-themed challenge
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 1
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
For striking, encourage children to use the following teaching cues;
- Hands together
- Ready: stand side on to the ball (use markers to assist)
- Eyes on the ball
- Step & Swing – step with the front foot towards the target
Physical literacy tips
- Make a whole golf course through your house - start in the kitchen, and move onto the living room for Hole 2!
- Make the courses progressively harder
- Let the children design the course - or design it all together!