Nappy Changes with Movement

Incorporate movement into your daily care routines for an excellent way to keep babies happy and active!
Set up
These movements can be added to a baby’s nappy routine. Ensuring you adhere to your usual health, safety and hygiene practices is extremely important.
How to play
Step 1
- After changing the baby's nappy let them know that you are going to try some fun movements:
- Bringing arms together and then wide apart like a butterfly
- Cycling legs around like pedaling a bike. Try going slow, fast, forwards and backwards
- Kicking legs forwards and back
- Support baby to roll on to their side and then to the other side
- For older babies, you can ask them to participate actively in the nappy change by asking them to lie down, sit up and lift legs up
Make it easier
- Give a baby something to grasp while you are changing them, such as a small ball or soft toy
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months, 1-2 years
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
- Engage with your baby by making expressive faces, singing, or talking about what you are doing