Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt

This is a great activity to get outdoors and explore your local neighbourhood whilst also having fun!

Set up

Make a list or print out some pictures of things that you will be searching for during your exploration! Assign different activities for each thing you find. For example:

  • Pond - frog jump
  • Sprinkler - spin in a circle 
  • Gum tree - jump and reach for the stars 
  • Dog - walk like a dog 
How to play
Step 1
  • Give your child their piece of paper with things to search for
Step 2
  • Set out on your walk, exploring new footpaths, playgrounds, ovals and spaces
Step 3
  • When you find something on the list, do the activity associated with it (e.g., find a blue car and do two star jumps; find a puddle and jump in it, see Set Up for more ideas)
Activity information
Age: 2-3 years, 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Paper
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
  • Have your child write a list for you to find whilst they do their scavenger hunt