Paper Planes

Overarm throwing over a net

This classic activity is a great way to improve your child’s throwing and teach them about force control. Even better, it can be played both inside and outside, and only requires one piece of paper.

Set up

Before beginning the activity, have some fun by teaching your child how to fold a paper aeroplane and decorating it with their favourite colours! There are plenty of online tutorials for this. 

How to play
Step 1
  • Before beginning the activity, ensure you have demonstrated how to throw the aeroplane
Step 2
  • Have a go at seeing how far you can each throw your plane, or if you can make it to a target
Step 3
  • Aim for a target close by, so your child learns how to control their force when throwing
Make it easier
  • Have targets closer to provide a greater chance of success
Make it harder
  • For more resilient children, encourage them to aim for targets further away
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4
Participants: 1 +
Equipment: Paper
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before starting to sore your plane around the house, demonstrate the proper throwing technique: 

  1. Ready: Stand like a surfer (side-on)
  2. Aim: Make a muscle man (throwing arm bent up above shoulder),
  3. Point non-throwing arm at target
  4. Fire: Step
Physical literacy tips
  • Aim for targets at different length and heights
  • Paper airplanes are tricky to control at the best of times, so ensure your child does not feel pressure to hit a target every single time!
  • See if you can do any loop d' loops, or cool tricks