Partner Throws

Girl copying an adult doing an overarm throw

A simple, minimal equipment game to practice throwing and catching that can be modified to suit any age or skill level. Keep children engaged by utilising challenges, or different things to navigate while throwing - such as stack of boxes, a sandpit, or a wall.

Set up

Form partners - children/adults should line up opposite their partner, facing one another. Give each partner a marker (a water bottle, shoe etc). Partners can be as close or as far as desired. Use volleyball net as a divider between the two lines (optional).

How to play
Step 1:
  • One partner throws a tennis ball or other ball to the other
    • To keep children engaged, use other obstacles, such as a volleyball net to separate partners, or a wall to throw and catch off of
Step 2:
  • If the ball is caught, the catcher may move their marker back 1 step
  • Ask the children questions;
    • What makes the ball go higher?
    • What makes the ball go further?
Step 3:
  • Continue exploring with different weight/size balls
Make it easier
  • Start with large, soft balls, like a foam dodge ball
  • Start with underarm tosses, close together
  • Use a bucket to help catching
Make it harder
  • Introduce clapping, spinning, or standing on one leg as you catch the ball
  • Use a tennis ball for more proficient catchers
  • Use overarm technique over a longer distance
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Equipment: Balls, Buckets (optional), Markers (optional)
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before dividing children into partners, demonstrate and practice the throwing teaching cues of;

  1. Ready: Stand like a surfer (side-on)
  2. Aim: Make a muscle man (throwing arm bent up above shoulder), point non-throwing arm at target
  3. Fire: Step on the star (step with opposite foot onto star marker) and throw
Physical literacy tips
  • Ensure proficient children are challenged - "try to catch it 10 times without dropping", "throw it back over your head and your partner must try to catch it"
  • Have an array of balls available for less confident children to choose from