
This bouncy activity is good for baby’s balance and stability whilst sitting.

Set up

Sit your baby on top of the exercise ball and hold their hips or arms, depending on their core strength.

How to play
Step 1
  • Whilst firmly holding baby’s hips or under their armpits, gently bounce baby up and down on ball
Step 2
  • Once baby is used to the up and down movement, add slight forwards and backwards rolls
Make it harder
  • If your baby can independently sit strongly, have baby hold onto your arm for support, rather than you holding baby. Ensure you are being safe and have cushions around the ball incase they let go
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months, 1-2 years
Equipment: Exercise ball
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
  • Tell baby which way you’re going to move, and engage them in the activity
  • Try singing "Wheels on the Bus" as a way to creatively incorporate the up and down, round and round motions with a song