
girl crawling out of tunner

This activity is loads of fun for babies, and great for developing basic movement strength during tummy time!

Set up

Baby lies on their side, with a rolled up towel supporting there back. Parent lies facing baby.  

How to play
Step 1:
  • Lie next to baby and talk to them, or use a rattle or light up toy
Step 2:
  • This should encourage baby to move towards the sound – keep talking until baby reaches over and rolls onto belly
  • Clap when baby rolls, to encourage this movement
Step 3:
  • Roll baby onto side again, gently, and repeat
Make it easier
  • If baby can’t independently roll yet, help by gently moving one bent leg across the body to touch the floor. Then do both legs and guide onto their tummy.
  • Switch directions so baby can practice rolling to both sides!
Make it harder
  • If baby can roll well, give them a toy or object to roll towards to keep their engagement
Activity information
Age: 0-12 months
Equipment: Blanket
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
  • Set up a slope of cushions for baby to gently roll down
  • Use a rattle or light up toy to encourage them to roll towards you