Shrink and Grow (Bounce and Catch)

A simplified version of KIDDO's Shrink and Grow! Children develop ball tracking skills as they explore how a ball bounces. Allows children to develop these skills within their comfort zone, or push their abilities and challenge themselves!
Set up markers (you can use shoes, chalk dots, balled up socks) in a straight line, equally spaced. Distance between markers should be ~1 metre apart, altering this to suit your child's abilities. Play this game as partners - provide one ball between two. Have a variety of balls available for children to try, such as a basketball, a tennis ball, and a spiky ball.
Step 1:
- One child stands on the end marker, with the other child (or you) standing on the next marker along, facing one each other
- The children attempt to bounce the ball between them
Step 2:
- If it is caught, the child takes a step back onto the next marker
- If it is dropped, the child takes a step towards their partner
Step 3:
- See how far away you can successfully bounce and catch between you!
- Try out different balls to explore how each ball bounces
- Bounce and catch from sitting down
- Place each marker closer together
- Catch with just one hand!
- Bounce the ball towards your partner with one hand
- Increase the distance between markers
Remind children how to safely catch;
- Eyes on the ball
- Soft fingers
- Butterfly hands: thumbs together and fingers pointing up for balls being caught above the waist
- Wriggly worms: fingers pointing down for balls being caught below the waist
- Move hands to the ball
- Play without markers! Children take a step forwards/backwards with every bounce