Simon (or Sarah) Says

imaginative game

Don't get tricked by sneaky Simon/Sarah! A classic activity for any number of children in any environment - indoors or outdoors that can be used to develop all of the fundamental movement skills - no equipment required.

Set up

You can play this anywhere, in the living room, outside, at the playground or with friends.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Children spread out in the space while the leader calls instructions by saying "Sarah Says..."
  • Examples of instructions include;
    • Run to a tree and back
    • Balance on one leg
    • High knees
    • Be as small/big as possible
    • Animal walks (bear, crab, kangaroo, elephant, frog, tiger)
    • Balance a beanbag on your head
    • Balance on one leg and one hand
    • Run backwards
    • Run on the spot
    • Hop around in a circle
    • Do 5 frog jumps
    • Make a bridge
    • The children must complete the action or movement
Step 2:
  • If the instruction does not start with ‘Sarah Says’, children should not do the movement
    • If they do, they have been tricked and must do a penalty, for example 4 spin jumps
Step 3:
  • Continue calling out instructions
Make it easier
  • Keep the instructions simple
Make it harder
  • Stack instructions, for example, "Simon Says touch your toes, then turn around"
  • Use basketballs or other objects to incorporate different movement skills
  • Go faster!
Activity information
Age: 2-3 years, 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
Participants: 1 +
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Demonstrate any trickier movements you might instruct the children to do, such as "be a tree!" Focusing on the skill of balance, use the teaching cues of;

  1. Head up
  2. Aeroplane arms
  3. Eyes forward looking at something ahead of them e.g. wall
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Let a child have a turn at being Simon/Sarah
  • Keep the instructions accessible for all children