Sponge Pictures

Ready, Aim, Fire (overarm throw)

This fun activity is great on a warm day and is excellent for developing throwing skills. 

Set up

Fill a bucket with water and a few sponges (at least one each). This activity is best done on an outdoor wall or pavement.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Before beginning, demonstrate the throwing technique (above) and ask you child to try it
Step 2:
  • Soak the sponges in the bucket and then have a go at throwing them at the wall
  • See if you can make a picture by throwing it to different places – maybe you can make a smiley face!
Make it easier
  • Throw closer to the wall/pavement
Make it harder
  • Throw from further away
  • Use larger sponges, which will be heavier to throw when they're wet
Activity information
Age: 2-3 years, 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Sponges and buckets
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Before starting this fun activity, demonstrate how to do an overarm and underarm throw using the following cues:

Overarm Throw

  1. Ready: Stand like a surfer (side-on)
  2. Aim: Make a muscle man (throwing arm bent up above shoulder),
  3. Point non-throwing arm at target
  4. Fire: Step

Underarm throw

  1. Step on the star (step with opposite foot onto star marker)
  2. Swing arm forward
  3. Throw (fire)