Sticky Catches

This game uses Grip Ball equipment to assist in the development of catching and throwing skills.
Set up
Children are given a Grip disc. Children hold this in their non-preferred hand. Spread out in an area, or along a line. One child starts with the ball.
How to play
Step 1:
- Demonstrate appropriate ways to catch the balls using the sticky grips
- Children practice throwing and catching the ball
Step 2:
- Continue exploring new ways to catch
- Try with the adult throwing
- Try catching on the run
- See how many catches in a row
Step 3:
- Mix partners around
Make it easier
- Have one partner at a time with the disc, and one partner continually throwing to allow children to focus on catching first
- Children stand in a circle around you, while you are the only thrower
- Toss the ball up in the air and catch it yourself
Make it harder
- If you have enough equipment, each child gets a disc and a ball to increase difficulty (throw at the same time)
- Increase the distance between children
- Toss the ball up in the air and either yourself or your partner catches it, but complete a trick before doing so! For example, spin around before you catch it
Activity information
Age: Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4
Equipment: Grip ball sets
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
Demonstrate how to throw while holding the Grip disc in the opposite hand. Revisit the teaching cues for catching, and explore how this looks when using a Grip disc to catch;
- Eyes on the ball
- Butterfly hands: hands and disc come up for balls being caught above the waist
- Wriggly worms: hands and disc point down for balls being caught below the waist
- Move hands and disc to the ball
Activity summary