Wall Ball

Develop catching skills by throwing against a wall and catching. Add challenges to make it progressively more difficult.

Set up

Spread out along a wall, standing a suitable distance from the wall. Supply a variety of balls, such as tennis balls, dodge balls, basketballs, or even small bouncy balls.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Children stand on a marker, and attempt challenges
  • Ideas for challenges include;
    • Throw the ball at the wall and catch after it bounces
    • Throw the ball at the wall and catch
    • Throw the ball at the wall, jump and then catch
    • Throw the ball at the wall, touch ground and then catch
    • You throw the ball, and the child must try and get the ball to pass through a hoop on the way down
    • Throw with one hand, catch with the other
    • Throw and catch while standing on one leg
Step 2:
  • Start close to wall and progressively move back
Step 3:
  • Change up positions, and introduce new/different balls where desired
Make it easier
  • In partners, one child throws the ball against the wall, the other tries to catch it
  • Roll the ball against the wall instead of throwing
  • Start close to the wall
Make it harder
  • Try and get the ball to land in a nearby bucket or box
  • For partners, try to throw the ball at an angle, so the partner to the side can catch it without moving their feet
  • With every successful catch, take a step backwards
  • Start further away from the wall
  • Use smaller balls
Activity information
Age: Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3
Equipment: Basketballs, Tennis balls
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

For safe catching, encourage children to use the following teaching cues;

  1. Eyes on the ball
  2. Soft fingers
  3. Butterfly hands: thumbs together and fingers pointing up for balls being caught above the waist
  4. Wriggly worms: fingers pointing down for balls being caught below the waist
  5. Move hands to the ball
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Let children choose which ball they'd like to use
  • Get children to create challenges