Water Run

This outdoor activity is lots of fun on a warm day, and even better when you have friends to play with!
Set up
In an outdoor space, place two buckets, a small and a medium size will do, about 5-10 metres apart. Give your child a cup. Fill the larger bucket with water.
How to play
Step 1
- When you say “Go” your child scoops water into their cup from the bigger bucket, and runs to the smaller bucket trying not to spill the water
Step 2
- Once they empty their cup into the smaller bucket, they run back and do it again until the small bucket is full
Step 3
- If playing with more than one child, or if you would like to join in, play it as a relay where you take turns in running
Make it easier
- Make the distance between the bucket smaller
- Use a smaller bucket to be filled, as it will take less time
Make it harder
- Make it more challenging by putting small holes in the cup
- Give your child a smaller cup so they must make more trips
Activity information
Age: 3-5 years, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2
Equipment: Cup and bucket
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Physical literacy tips
- Use different methods of locomotion between the buckets (e.g., lunging, walking backwards)