This method is ideal if you prefer collecting assessment data on paper and inputting it later.
Before gathering assessment data, it's important to understand the protocols for the five Fundamental Movement Skills that can be assessed. Access detailed written and video instructions by clicking the 'i' button in the blue assessment bar in the assessment tab of the dashboard.
Here are the steps for entering data for each skill assessment:
1. To start bulk data entry
Click the arrow next to the student to begin entering data.
2. Enter the data
Click in each box for each skill to enter the data. If you don’t have data for certain students or skills, just leave it blank.
Note: when entering data for the skill of Balance: two trials on each leg up to a maximum of 40 seconds are required when assessing balance. If you reach 40 seconds on the first trial for the right leg you do not need to do a second trial on the right leg and the same applies for the left leg. As you enter the data for your first balance trials, the second trial on each leg is greyed out, you can still enter data in these boxes while greyed out and you will see as you enter the data for the first trials they will change from greyed out to white.
Data is saved automatically once entered.
3. Enter observations (optional)
Click the observations box to complete the observations checklist for each trial.
4. Enter comments (optional)
Use the comments box to include additional remarks for each skill.
5. Complete and synchronise the data
Remain on the bulk entry screen after entering all data for a class and wait for synchronisation to complete before moving to the next class.
Important - As you enter the data the system needs to sync, you will see a blue box pop up as this happens. You can still continue entering the data for this class’s assessment, it is all still saved and will continue syncing as you enter the data. If you are entering the data at a fast pace, you may need to wait a few minutes after entering one class before moving on to the next class to allow the data to sync successfully. Please do not navigate away from the bulk entry page until the data is synced.