Thank you. You made KIDDO Conference 2024!
We've dropped all of the session presentations as well as some additional resources into a single pdf. We hope they help you and in your efforts to develop the physical literacy and fundamental movement skills of children.
KIDDO Conference 2024 Presentations
All the presentations in the one place...

Be sure to check out the additional links we've dropped in, and feel free to share the presentation with your colleagues.

Download KIDDO Conference 2024 Presentations pdf (36MB)

Michael and Lisa
It was on from the get-go.

A warm welcome from Prof Michael Rosenberg from UWA and a keynote address from world-leading Physical Literacy expert, Prof Lisa Barnett.

Practical strategies Actionable ideas KIDDO Conference 2024
Actionable ideas. Practical strategies.

We hope you enjoyed the balance of informative presentations and interactive, hands-on workshops.

KIDDO Conference 2024 Panel Discussion and QandA
A wealth of perspectives from our Panel Discussion and Q&A

A highlight of the event - where conference delegates shared just as many insights and practical strategies as the panel.

KIDDO Conference Community
Strong sense of community and sharing of ideas

Throughout the day, there was a strong sense of community. The energy in the room was upbeat, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

KIDDO Conference long shot
Thank you

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our speakers, partners, and of course, you and all of your peers who made the day so special. Your commitment to improving physical literacy and creating active futures for children in your community is truly inspiring.

Until next time, let’s keep moving!