If you don't find the answers to your questions below, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  1. Does KIDDO only work with certain sports?
  2. Can I use my Sporting Schools grant to purchase KIDDO for any sport program?
  3. How will KIDDO benefit the sport program I choose?
  4. Will KIDDO provide value beyond this term's sport program?
  5. I have used all my $1650 equipment allocation, can I still purchase a KIDDO membership with remaining Sporting Schools funds?
  6. I generally use most of my budget on coach-delivered programs, how would you recommend that I incorporate KIDDO?
  7. I didn’t receive my Sporting Schools grant this term, how can I access KIDDO?
  8. What happens when I want to renew my membership? Can I use Sporting Schools grant funds again?
  9. What do I put on my Sporting Schools application?
  10. What do I put on my Sporting Schools grant acquittal form?

1. Does KIDDO only work with certain sports?
A: Not at all! KIDDO is designed to complement any sport program you choose. It equips you with tools and resources to build fundamental movement skills that enhance performance across all sports and physical activities.

2. Can I use my Sporting Schools equipment allocation to purchase KIDDO for any sport program?
Yes! You can use your equipment allocation to purchase a KIDDO membership and equipment starter pack, regardless of the sport you’ve selected.

3. How will KIDDO benefit the sport program I choose?
KIDDO focuses on developing all of the fundamental movement skills. These are essential for success across all sports. It provides fun, engaging activities and games that align with your sport program, making PE delivery easier and more effective.

4. Will KIDDO provide value beyond this term's sport program?
Absolutely! With a KIDDO membership, you and your school gain access to online tools and resources for 12 months, benefitting well beyond the current term's sport program. You can use it for future PE sessions, provide access to your colleagues, and even to students' families.

5. I have used all my $1650 equipment allocation, can I still purchase a KIDDO membership with the remaining  Sporting Schools funds?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. If you intend to use Sporting Schools fund to purchase a  KIDDO membership it must be included as part of your equipment allocation (up to $1,650 per term). 

6. I generally use all my Sporting Schools grant each term on coach-delivered programs, there is nothing left over for equipment?

If you would like to purchase a KIDDO membership using Sporting Schools grant funding you might wish to opt for a teacher-delivered sport option one term to allow you the available funds to purchase a school KIDDO membership which will provide you benefits across the whole school year for teachers, children and parents at your school. 

7. I didn’t receive my Sporting Schools grant this term, how can I access KIDDO?

If you wish to join KIDDO right away you can choose to purchase with your school funds to allow you to access the benefits right away.

8. What happens when I want to renew my membership? Can I use Sporting Schools grant funds again?

Yes, you can continue to renew your annual KIDDO membership using the equipment allocation from your Sporting Schools grant funds or you can choose to use school funds if you prefer. 

Please contact us if you have any other questions—our team is here to help you and your school.

9. What do I put on my Sporting Schools application?

At the time of application, you don’t need to specify what equipment you are planning on purchasing. You will just need to put down the details of the sport/s you would like to deliver with funds. If you choose to do a teacher-delivered version of your chosen sport that should leave you with plenty of funds from your Sporting Schools grant to purchase your KIDDO membership.

For example, an Athletics Australia teacher-delivered program costs $360, and an average-sized school would receive approx. $2500 Sporting Schools grant which leaves you with the ability to spend up to $1650 on equipment (this includes a KIDDO membership).

10. What do I put on my Sporting Schools grant acquittal form?

When reporting on how you used your grant just note down that you purchased a KIDDO School membership and equipment kit and the cost of that product.

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If you have any questions for the KIDDO team, please feel free to contact us