Ok, here they are!
Remember, we've customised our Yearly Planning Overview Documents based on the latest versions of the curriculum documents used in each state and territory. Please go ahead and download the version for your state.
- Australian Capital Territory - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) Download ACT Yearly Planning Overview
- New South Wales - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and New South Wales Curriculum (2018) Download NSW yearly Planning Overview
- Northern Territory - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) Download NT Yearly Planning Overview
- Queensland - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) Download QLD Yearly Planning Overview
- South Australia - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) Download SA Yearly Planning Overview
- Tasmania - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0) Download TAS Yearly Planning Overview
- Victoria - Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (2016) and Victorian Curriculum (2016) Download VIC Yearly Planning Overview
- Western Australia - Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Western Australian Curriculum (Updated to incorporate Version 9.0 of Australian Curriculum) Download WA Yearly Planning Overview
Each activity within the lessons focuses on building fundamental movement skills proficiency and movement confidence as well as motivation and inclusion. Throughout the lesson plans, you’ll find tips and strategies to promote physical literacy development.
You can run the programs as they have been designed or modify them to suit your school’s environment, and your student’s needs and development. This is made easy with KIDDO’s program and lesson creator.
It goes without saying that they are fun for both the student and teacher and most importantly, they work. Enjoy!