It was great to see you at ACHPER Victoria Conference 2024!

If we were lucky enough to have you at our session — we hope you found it insightful and packed with practical tips, tools, and resources to use throughout the year. We’d love to hear how these help you in your teaching journey!

Scroll down to access the presentation and some additional KIDDO resources designed to support you in delivering engaging, effective physical education programs.

Level up your FMS program and assessment_ACHPERVIC2024
Download the conference presentation

Review the key insights and see how Jo from Strathcona is kicking goals with KIDDO.

Download the presentation

KIDDO Yearly Planning Overview - Schools
Download the Victorian yearly planning overview

As a bonus for coming along, please feel free to download the Yearly Planning Overview Document based on the latest versions of the curriculum documents.

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (2016) and Victorian Curriculum (2016) Download VIC specific resource

Follow the Australian curriculum instead?
Here's one based on the Early Years Learning Framework (2023) and Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 (2023) Download the AUS resource

Teachers and school leaders
Find out why educators and school leaders love KIDDO

Don't just take our word for it. Meet some KIDDO members and find out how it has helped them, their colleagues, students, and parents.

Watch testimonials

Everything you need to develop the Fundamental Movement Skills and confidence of your students

KIDDO gives you all the tools and resources you need. If you haven't already, please feel free to try KIDDO free for 30 days and see how invaluable it will become for your school.

Engaged children volunteering for an activity
We get it. Budgets are tight.

Accessing funds for vital resources such as FMS and physical literacy can be challenging, so it's helpful to be able to communicate the value a KIDDO membership brings beyond PE, for the whole school.

Helpful information to share with school leaders