25 November 2020
The KIDDO school holiday program is coming back in January from the 25 - 29 January! Get the kids ready for the 2021 school year with a boost in their physical literacy during a fun morning of KIDDO games and skills.
KIDDO aims to introduce children to sports and help them develop the skills and confidence to enjoy being active in an environment that focuses on FUN, maximal participation and skill development.
Suitable for children in Kindergarten - Year 3
- SMALL group sizes, a minimum of 1 coach per 8 children
- Evidence-based program to develop skills, confidence and motivation to be active
- All coaches are Exercise & Sports Science graduates and final-year students
- Excellent facilities - indoor gymnasium and large oval based at Exercise and Sports Science at UWA
- Low cost - $36 per morning or $144 for all four mornings
The program:
- 25 Jan - Monday 9:00am - 12:00pm - Basketball & Netball
- 26 Jan - Tuesday - Public Holiday - No Session
- 27 Jan - Wednesday 9:00am - 12:00pm - Soccer & AFL
- 28 Jan - Thursday 9:00am - 12:00pm - Cricket & Teeball
- 29 Jan - Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm - Multisport
Parents can choose to stay and watch or collect their child at the conclusion of the session
There are only limited places, so get in quick!