13 September 2021

KIDDO received great news to start 2021 with Healthway and Lotterywest committing support to help us provide access to all Early Childhood Education and Care services in WA and expand the programs to children aged 0-3 years.

This combined Lotterywest and Healthway funding from 2021-2023 will:

  1. Develop tailored online programs, resources and training for all areas of the ECEC sector.
  2. Embed the KIDDO program, resources, and training into the majority (70%) of ECEC services in WA, upskilling over 3000 educators to enable physical literacy development to become part of the daily program in ECEC.
  3. Equip parents and families with the skills, knowledge and resources to become active partners in their child’s physical literacy development.

KIDDO will focus on developing the capacity of the ECEC sector to deliver physical literacy programs. Physical literacy is an umbrella term that encompasses the skills, confidence, motivation, and knowledge to be physically active for life. The goal is to enable sustainable change to increase children’s development of physical literacy in ECEC.

The KIDDO team will work collaboratively with the Play Active program based at the Telethon Kids Institute. Play Active provides clear policy guidance, procedures and resources for educators on the amount of physical activity and sedentary time children should have whilst attending ECEC. We are lucky to have on board with this project, our partners Goodstart Early Learning and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries with their expertise in early childhood education and care, physical activity, and rural and remote engagement which will bring expertise, networks, and practical support to this project.

This project will provide ongoing support, resources, and professional development to ECEC providers, to ensure they are capable and confident to provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for physical literacy development to children attending their ECEC centre. This will be a resource that continues to provide benefit to educators and children across Australia for many years.

Download the flyer below to find out more and click on the link below to get involved.

Want to get involved? Fill in your details here and we will be in touch: kiddo.edu.au/ecec2022