14 January 2020
Dear Parents,
Thank you for a wonderful 2019! Over 12,000 children from 104 Primary Schools and ECEC Centres participated in KIDDO in what was a massive year for KIDDO and everyone involved. 2020 is looking to be an extremely exciting year!
With school starting in WA in just a few weeks, now is the time to start enrolling in the KIDDO Before/After School Program for Term 1 2020. In Term 1, the skills we will be focusing on are Overarm Throw and Balance.
The Before/After School Program will be available to students from the following schools and year groups:
- Mount Hawthorn PS: Kindy - Year 2
- North Cottesloe PS: Kindy - Year 2
- North Perth PS: Pre-Primary - Year 3
- Subiaco PS: Pre-Primary - Year 1
- West Leederville PS: Pre-Primary - Year 2
For more information, and to enrol your child, please visit our School Programs Page.
If you have any queries or require further assistance, feel free to contact us at admin@kiddo.edu.au.
We look forward to seeing you in Term 1, 2020!
The KIDDO Team