The School of Sport Education NT is focussed on the implementation of a physical literacy approach through the medium of gameplay (i.e KIDDO activities), and are supporting NT schools to 'get into the game'.
They're generously offering schools the chance to win 1 of 6 $500 grants toward the cost of a KIDDO membership. There will be one winner for each of the 6 NT regions (Greater Darwin, Top End, East Arnhem, Big Rivers, Barkly and Central Australia) and their Sport Education Coordinators are ready, willing and able to help you get started with KIDDO.
So how do I enter the draw?
Simply register to attend at least one of these three workshops the KIDDO team is presenting in the Territory this August.
KIDDO + ACHPER Physical Literacy & FMS Workshop @ NT Professional Learning Conference 2023
Hosted by Professional Teaching Association NT
Saturday, 26 August 2023. 10.20am - 12.00pm
Dripstone Middle School
10 Delamere Street Tiwi, NT 0810Perfect for Primary PE teachers, Early Childhood Teachers and School Support Staff, this double-session will cover how to deliver your Fundamental Movement Skills programs while also developing the confidence and motivation of your students to be active (this is physical literacy).
The first session will cover how to plan your teaching and learning program for Fundamental Movement Skills in Transition to Year 2 and the second session will be practical, including the demonstration of a lesson for Year 1 students, how to assess Fundamental Movement Skills and resources to assist you.
Hear from Sarah Muller, PE teacher from St Mary’s Catholic Primary School on how she uses KIDDO to assess and deliver her teaching and learning programs.
Download the full conference program (We're on Page 5)
Email Fiona Campbell (SSENT) via with proof of your attendance to enter your school in the draw to win a $500 grant towards a KIDDO membership.
Physical Literacy Approach NT (Darwin) - 1hr info session
Hosted by School of Sport Education and KIDDO
Thursday, 24 August 2023. 10.00am - 11.00am
Northern Australia Room, Level 1, Development House
76 The Esplanade, DarwinWhat's on the agenda:
- Physical literacy and the benefits for students by Fiona Campbell (SSENT)
- All things KIDDO by Amanda Derbyshire KIDDO Program Director (KIDDO/UWA)
- KIDDO activities in the park after the info session
Find out more and register today. Contact Fiona Campbell (SSENT) via , 89995700 or 0420922377.
Physical Literacy Approach NT (Alice Springs) - 1.5hr info session
Hosted by School of Sport Education and KIDDO
Monday, 28 August 2023. 3.00pm - 4.30pm
At a Primary School (TBC)
What's on the agenda:- Physical literacy and the benefits for students by Fiona Brown (SSENT)
- All things KIDDO by Amanda Derbyshire KIDDO Program Director (KIDDO/UWA)
- KIDDO activities in the park after the info session
Find out more and register today. Contact Fiona Brown, Physical Literacy and Sport Education Coordinator (SSENT) via or 0408871905.