05 December 2019
KIDDO is all about improving the physical literacy of Australian children aged 3 - 8 years old. But, what is physical literacy? Physical literacy is the gross motor skills, motivation, confidence and knowledge to be physically active.
Why is physical literacy important?
Many Australian children are spending more time playing in doors and on screens than outdoors in the park, and as a result are not developing the basic building blocks of movement such as running, jumping, catching and kicking.
Including KIDDO activities and games into your School Holiday Program is a fantastic space to provide children with the opportunity to develop these fundamental movement skills.
Why KIDDO for my program?
KIDDO lesson plans are fun, safe, practical and can easily be adapted to best suit your program. The best part? KIDDO is founded on research by world experts at the University of Western Australia.
Our research shows that KIDDO improves both the confidence and skills of kids aged 3-8 years old.
So how can you achieve these results? Our world leading Certificate of Physical Literacy can set you up with the skills to be a pioneer in the physical literacy space and set your Early Learning Centre and Holiday Program apart from others.
KIDDO also provide hundreds of activities, ready-made lesson plans and an intuitive DIY session builder.