Which of our common questions can assist you?

  1. What is the Parent Hub?
  2. How do I give parents access to the Parent Hub?
  3. Where can I see what parents are seeing in the Parent Hub?
  4. Can I change the content in the Parent Hub? 
  5. How can I hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub?



1. What is the Parent Hub?

The Parent Hub is designed to help make your job easier by closing the loop with families and engaging them in their child’s physical development. Families can:

  • Access 100's of age-appropriate activities designed specifically for parents and children
  • See what skills their child is currently learning at school
  • View how they are tracking with the development of those skills and access their assessment or progress reports
  • Learn more about the importance of being active and developing FMS in the early years
  • Track their child’s progress at home.


2. How do I give parents access to the Parent Hub?

There are multiple ways you can add parents to the Parent Hub 

Manually adding email addresses

  • Click on the 'Dashboard' button in the top right-hand side of the page (or the 'Dashboard' button next to your class if you teach multiple classes) 
  • Click on the subheading ‘Students’ (it’s between 'Planner' and 'Insights')
  • Click on the three dots next to the student’s name.
  • Select ‘Invite parents’
  • Enter a parent/guardian name and email address and they will be automatically sent an email invite to access their child’s KIDDO Parent Hub

You can track if they have logged in through the ‘Parent Active’ column.

IMPORTANT: Please inform parents that they will be receiving a link from KIDDO to access the Parent Hub. We have a 'Parent Information and Consent From' available to download in the resource section, or you can access it HERE.

Importing email addresses if you have already imported students

  • Click on the 'Dashboard' button in the top right-hand side of the page (or the 'Dashboard' button next to your class if you teach multiple classes) 
  • Click on the subheading ‘Students’ (it’s between 'Planner' and 'Insights')
  • Click on 'Import/Export'
  • Click 'Export students'
  • You will then be able to add the parent emails to the class list
  • Once you have updated the information, save the spreadsheet and re-import the class list.
  • Parents will be automatically sent an email invite to access their child’s KIDDO Parent Hub


3. Where can I see what parents are seeing in the Parent Hub?

Our parent hub how-to video demonstrates what parents will see. To save time, skip to the 1m 55s mark of the video. Another way to view what's in the parent hub is to add a test student to the class and add yourself as the test student's parent - you must use a different email address than the one you use for accessing KIDDO as an educator/manager.

Parents can see:

  • Focus skills being taught at school – make sure you tick the box when you complete a lesson so that this information is sent to the parent hub
  • Skill progress tracker: this shares the student’s skill development in an easy-to-understand visual for parents
  • Activities to try at home: parents can browse by skill hundreds of KIDDO activities that are specifically designed for children to do at home with their families
  • Achievements: parents get rewarded for completing activities with their children and tracking progress
  • Help develop skills at home: families can see how far their child can jump, kick, and how long they can balance for at home and get instant feedback on their progress.
  • Assessment and progress reports: families can access their child’s FMS assessment and progress reports following their assessment at schools (see below for instructions for how to hide these if you don't want parents to access them through the parent hub)
  • Skill videos & further resources: parents can watch videos and browse hundreds of great resources to help them encourage their child to develop the skills and confidence to be active


4. Can I change the content in the Parent Hub?

You have control over several elements of the Parent Hub:

  • The Parent Hub displays the skills you are currently teaching to their children. For this information to transfer across to the Parent Hub you just need to tick the box on the Overview page of the dashboard after you have completed a lesson. If you don’t tick this box, no focus skills will be displayed.
  • The assessment reports and overview of skill mastery are only displayed if you have completed assessments (although you can choose to hide the reports in the Parent Hub - see below for instructions)


5. How can I hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub?

You must be the manager of your school to be able to hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub. 

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ management menu in the top right of the screen, click on ‘Reports’. 
  • If you would like to hide the percentile and/or progress reports from the Parent Hub, simply uncheck the box/s
Parent Hub basics

Hear how KIDDO's Parent Hub allows parents to improve and monitor their child's fundamental movement skills progress.