How do I give parents access to the Parent Hub?

Watch the video >
  • On the Children tab in the dashboard, click on the three dots next to the child’s name.
  • Select ‘invite parents’
  • Enter a parent/guardian name and email address and they will be automatically sent an email invite to access their child’s KIDDO Parent Hub

You can track if they have logged in through the ‘Parent Active’ column.

Where can I see what parents are seeing in the Parent Hub?

We are working on this! One way is by adding a test child in the room and adding yourself (with a different email address) as their parent. It is very important you use a different email address than the one you currently use to log in to the KIDDO website as otherwise, the system will get confused!

Below is an example of a Parent Hub with the following features:

  • Focus skills being introduced at your early learning service– make sure you tick the box when you complete a lesson so that this information is sent to the parent hub
  • Activities to try at home: parents can browse by skill hundreds of KIDDO activities that are specifically designed for children to do at home with their families
  • Achievements: parents get rewarded for completing activities with their children and tracking progress
  • Help develop skills at home: families can see how far their child can jump, kick, how long they can balance for at home and get instant feedback on their progress
  • Milestone reports: families can access their child’s milestone development reports
  • Skill videos & further resources: parents can watch videos and browse hundreds of great resources to help them encourage their child to develop the skills and confidence to be active

Can I change the content in the Parent Hub?

You have control over a number of elements of the parent hub:

  1. The Parent Hub displays the skills you are currently introducing to their children. For this information to transfer across to the Parent Hub you just need to tick the box on the Overview page of the dashboard after you have completed an experience. If you don’t tick this box, no focus skills will be displayed.
  2. The milestone reports are only displayed in you have completed a milestone report
Watch - How to invite parents and what they'll see