Would you like to know how to:

  1. Download and print reports
  2. Add my school logo to the reports?
  3. Customise the wording of the reports?
  4. Hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub?



1. Downloading and printing reports

  • Click on the 'Dashboard' button in the top right-hand side of the page (or the 'Dashboard' button next to your class if you teach multiple classes) 
  • Click on the subheading ‘Students’ (it’s between 'Planner' and 'Insights')
  • Click on the box to the left side of the student’s name whose report you would like to print or click on the box at the top of the column to select all students. 
  • Once you have clicked a box next to a student, the option to ‘Download’ or ‘Email’ will appear at the top of the list of students. 
  • To download the reports, click ‘Download’, and select the report type that you would like to download, (either the percentile report or progress report). 
  • Click on ‘Prepare for download’ and then a pink ‘Download now’ box will appear. Click on this and the file will download to your computer.
  • Once downloaded, you can save them to your computer and then print them out.

Time-saving tip: To download all the reports for the students in the class at once click on the check box at the top of the column next to the name sub-heading. This then selects all students, and you can download all reports in one go and then print them.


2. How do I add my school logo to the reports?

You must be the manager of your school to be able to add the school logo or change the wording in the reports.

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ management menu in the top right of the screen, click on ‘Reports’. 
  • In this section, you can add your logo and this will go onto all the reports.


3. How do I customise the wording of the reports?

You must be the manager of your school to be able to add the school logo or change the wording in the reports. 

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ management menu in the top right of the screen, click on ‘Reports’.  
  • In this section, you can add your own wording for the introductory text in both the percentile report and progress reports.
  • If you change your mind and would like to use the default introductory text, just remove your text and save it, and then it will default back to KIDDO’s standard text.


4. How can I hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub?

You must be the manager of your school to be able to hide the reports from being displayed in the Parent Hub. 

  • In the ⚙ ‘cog’ management menu in the top right of the screen, click on ‘Reports’. 
  • If you would like to hide the percentile and/or progress reports from the Parent Hub, simply uncheck the box/s