Balance Twister

Build strength and confidence with Balance Twister! Children twist and tangle their way into different poses and balances. Good for smaller group sizes.

Set up

Scatter coloured flat markers. This can be done in a grid style, similar to the original Twister, or randomly and over a larger area if you have a bigger group. Children begin by forming a circle around the markers.

How to play
Step 1:
  • Children move around the markers in a clockwise direction, using different locomotor skills as called out by the educator (e.g skip, gallop, jump)
Step 2:
  • When the educator blows the whistle, children freeze
  • The educator then calls out specific instructions, for example:
    • Put one hand on a red marker
    • Stand with one foot on a yellow marker
    • Jump over a blue marker
    • Place two hands and a foot on different coloured markers
    • Balance on 1 arm and 1 leg on a green marker
    • Make a bridge only touching yellow markers
    • Balance on your bottom only on a red marker
Step 3:
  • Once all children have completed the instruction, they are free to continue moving around the circle using a new locomotor skill
Make it easier
  • Set up the markers close to each other so children can easily reach neighbouring markers
Make it harder
  • Spread the markers out so children must stretch to reach neighbouring markers
  • Call out a sequence of two (or more!) instructions the children must complete one after the other
Activity information
Age: Three year olds, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4
Participants: 1 +
Equipment: Markers
Duration: 5 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

Explore and demonstrate different ways to maintain your balance, by using the teaching cues of;

  1. Head up
  2. Aeroplane arms
  3. Eyes forward looking at something ahead of them e.g. tree
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
  • Give children a chance to call out instructions
  • Use music! When the music stops, children freeze and then complete an instruction
  • Have a kids' choice instruction, for example, "Party pose!" = children do any pose they like using as many markers as they like