Cone Stack

An exciting team or individual challenge that develops precision soccer kicking skills. Players race to dribble to the kicking spot and kick the soccer ball at the cones. Every cone knocked over is stacked until the final stack has been knocked over.
Split children into small groups of 3 - 5. Set out 5 cones in a line, approximately 0.5m - 1m apart. Place one spot/flat marker in front of the cones, approximately 5m - 10m away. This flat marker is the 'kicking spot'.
Adapt this game for hockey, modcrosse or any other game with requires precision kicking or passing.
Set up 5 cones and one kicking spot to demonstrate the game first, then ask the children to set up their own equipment.
Step 1:
- The first player dribbles the soccer ball (using their feet) to the kick spot (flat marker), then kicks the ball at the cones
- If they knock down a cone, they must stack it onto any one of the other cones (leaving four cones).
Step 2:
- The player then returns the ball to the next student who then repeats the process and attempts to knock over another cone.
- The game continues (relay style) until all 5 cones are stacked on top of each other.
Step 3:
- The game ends when the final stack of cones is knocked over.
- Decrease the kicking distance (move the kicking spot closer to the cones)
- Players kick from a stationary position on the kicking spot (no run up)
- Increase the kicking distance (move the kicking spot further away from the cones)
- Place the cones further apart from each other
- Use a smaller agility (size 3) soccer ball
- Add more cones
- Set out cones at varying distances
To help develop soccer dribbling skills, encourage children to:
- Keep the ball close like it is attached with a short bit of string to your foot
- Small, soft taps of the ball
- Use all parts of your foot
- Look up
- Use both feet
To help develop kicking skills, encourage children to:
- Eyes on the ball
- Kicking foot like a penguin (turned outwards)
- Step, swing and kick: step with your non-kicking foot next to the ball
- More proficient children can dribble their ball back to their partner after they have kicked at the cones
- Let teams choose the distance between their kicking spot and the cones