Hoop Elimination
Turn into firefighters as you try to extinguish the fire! Children throw with accuracy in this fun, minimal equipment activity.
Set up
Set up a line of flat markers or cones, indicating where the children stand. Place a beanbag on each marker, one for every child. Scatter ~15 hoops in a random formation, ~5-10 meters away.
Tip: For larger groups, place flat markers in a circle around the hoop set-up.
Note: you can adapt this game to use for Ultimate Frisbee or Athletics throwing events
How to play
Step 1:
- Children stand along the line/on a marker, side-on to the target area with a beanbag in throwing hand
- Build the story: "The school has called the fire department as someone has set all the hoops on fire! It's our job as firefighters to work as a team to use our water bombs to put out the fires!"
- On the educator's call of, "Ready, Aim, Fire!", the children throw their beanbags and attempt to land them in a hoop
Step 2:
- When all the beanbags have been thrown, the children must freeze as the educator (head firefighter) disposes of all the burnt hoops safely (removes any hoops containing beanbags)
- Children collect their beanbags and attempt again
Step 3:
- Children continue working together to eliminate all the hoops, and safely extinguish the fire!
Make it easier
- Start the children closer to the hoops
- Use 'Hot Zone' hoops, e.g., "If someone lands their water bomb in a blue hoop, all the blue hoops are eliminated!"
Make it harder
- Use a volleyball net between the children and the hoops for an extra challenge!
- Try throwing with your non-dominant arm
Activity information
Age: Three year olds, Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4
Participants: 2
Equipment: Beanbags, Hoops, Cones (optional), Volleyball nets (optional)
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching
For overarm throwing, explain the teaching cues of;
- Ready: Stand like a surfer (side-on)
- Aim: Make a muscle man (throwing arm bent up above shoulder), point non-throwing arm at target
- Fire: Step on the star (step with opposite foot onto star marker) and throw
Activity summary
Physical literacy tips
- Have a rapid fire round, where each child has 2-3 beanbags to throw. Children cannot collect their beanbags until the educator says so
- Build the story! The hoops are stink bombs, treasure maps, or even different flavoured ice cream scoops!