Mine Field

Kiddo CAMSA Demo M2410BJ Screen Grab 11.jpg

An exciting endurance challenge where teams race to turn over the cones in an attempt to find the hidden beanbags. Great for endurance running. 

Set up

Set out a 'home base line' (either a line of cones or a previously marked boundary line). Approximately 20 metres away from the home base line, set up an area with lots of cones placed randomly (approximately 20 - 50 cones, depending on the number of participants). Place a hidden beanbag under roughly half of the cones (ensuring that the beanbag cannot be easily seen). 

How to play
Step 1:
  • Divide the children into small groups of approximately 3 - 5 players in each team. 
  • Ask each team to line up with their group behind the home base line. 
Step 2:
  • One at a time (relay style), players take turns to run out to the 'mine field' of scattered cones and choose one cone to turn over. 
  • If there is a beanbag hidden underneath the cone that the player has turned over, they collect the beanbag and return it to their team. Once the beanbag is returned, their next team member is allowed to set off. 
  • If there is no beanbag underneath the cone they have chosen to turn over, the player must freeze and stand still next to the cone. Once the player freezes, their next team member is allowed to run out to the mine field. 
Step 3:
  • If the next runner finds a hidden beanbag, they release any 'frozen' team members and all players are allowed to run back to the home base line.
  • The game continues until all mine field cones have been turned over. 
Make it easier
  • Decrease the distance between the home base line and the mine field
Make it harder
  • Increase the distance between the home base line and the mine field
  • Increase the size of the mine field (area where the cones are scattered randomly)
Activity information
Age: Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Participants: 10 +
Equipment: Cones, Beanbags
Duration: 10 minutes
Skill focus
Explore these skills for teaching tips
Skill teaching

After playing this game once, discuss the skills needed for endurance running such as setting a pace, body position and stride efficiency. Ask questions:

  • Did you find a good pace, or do you think you ran too fast or too slow at the start?
  • What did you notice about your breathing during the run?
  • Was there a moment when you wanted to stop? How did you keep going?
  • Did you encourage someone or get encouraged by someone during the run?
Physical literacy tips
  • Hide different coloured beanbags under the mine field cones and let the children decide the point value of different coloured beanbags
  • Make one child from each team worth double points, so whatever beanbags they collect are worth double
  • Hide different items or 'fitness challenge cards' under the mine field cones - teams must complete the fitness challenges at the end of the game